Thursday, September 29, 2011

Where Am I?: 10 Accountability Questions to Determine Where You Are On the Road to Success

1. Have you mastered where you are now?: You can't get promoted in life unless you are too good at what you do now.
2. Do you milk your opportunities for everything they are worth or just take them as they are?: Opportunities are loaded with benefits. An opportunity is rarely just one thing. You have to milk it for everything it is worth while it is here.
3. What would give you the most results on your journey to success: providing more value or leveraging more?: The most common reason that people don't climb the ladder of success is because they aren't providing enough value to deserve to move up or they aren't milking what you have for everything it's worth.
4. Do you learn from other people's mistakes or do you have to suffer the pain of mistakes to learn?: One of the greatest blessings that each one of us has in life is the ability to learn from other people's mistakes before we have to suffer the pain ourselves. Use that advantage!
5. If you want to reach the top, how do your skills and habits compare with the people at the top?: If you want to reach the top, you should constantly compare your skills and habits with the people who are where you want to be. You shouldn't do this as a way to beat yourself up, but as a way to see what needs to improve.
6. Do you thrive on negative feedback from experts or take offense to it?: If someone is in the position that you strive to be in, and they care enough to give you feedback, LISTEN. If they didn't know what they were talking about, they wouldn't be successful.
7. Do you adapt and thrive on whatever life throws at you, or do you complain hoping that something will change without your effort?: We cannot control what life throws at us, but we can control what we do with it.  You can either turn negatives into positives or let life get the best of you.
8. Are you an irrepressible achiever, or do you only achieve when you are happy?: Achieving when everything in your life is going well is easy. Achieving when everything is trying to break you down is commendable and shows your commitment to success.
9. Are your daily choices pushing towards success or shoving you away from it?: On the path to success, there is no standing still. You are either moving towards it or moving away from it. Align your choices with success.
10. If actions speak louder than words, are your actions saying that you are dedicated to success?:  Your actions are the ultimate words. Who cares what you are saying about how much you want to be successful? It is all about what you are doing. People don't get promoted in life because they're saying that they want to be promoted. They get promoted because they're actions are in alignment with their ultimate goals.

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