Monday, October 17, 2011

What Am I Doing Wrong?: 4 Common Mistakes Made on the Road to Success

1. Focusing on success in one area of your life rather than ALL areas: Success is a multi-faceted thing. It is not just limited to finances. Focus on your life as a whole rather than just one aspect of it.
2. Over-promising and under-delivering: Many people want to sound like they can be a success by saying that they will take on numerous, but fail miserably because they aren't able to make good on their promises. The goal is to under-promise and over-deliver. The truly successful person lets their excellent delivery make up for the fact that they promised little.
3. Being a jack of many trades and a master of none: Being able to do many things may seem like a great advantage, but achieving only adequacy in the skills you have acquired is not really going to get you anywhere. Successful people are successful because they mastered their craft. The people on the Forbes Richest List are not there because they could do a lot of things adequately. They are on that list because they mastered something that would give them the most significant results. Mastery is what guarantees success.
4. Doing the hardest work last: What is done first most likely will get the most quality attention. The hardest work usually is what gives you the most value or the most significant results. The hard work is the most deserving of your attention! The better quality attention you give the hard work, the more value you get out of it.

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